Profit Stream Design

The Profit StreamTM Design course equips business strategists, product management leaders, and consultants with the expertise to successfully apply the Profit Stream Canvas to deliver sustainability profitable software-enabled solutions.


The Profit StreamTM Design course consists of multiple working sessions with Certified Profit StreamTM Trainers and includes interactive sessions and collaborative exercises. Profit StreamTM Design includes and builds on the content from Software Pricing Fundamentals, covering all the elements of the Profit StreamTM Canvas and equipping you to lead your peers in the emergent discipline of Solution Profitability Management.

As part of the course (approximately 20 hours total), you will acquire:

  • Proficiency with the Profit Stream Canvas and how to apply it in your context
  • Practical experience performing Customer Benefit Analysis to identify tangible and intangible Solution benefits
  • The steps for creating a Customer ROI Model based on the Customer Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • The ability to model your Solution ROI as part of an effective economic framework for decision-making
  • A deeper understanding of Value Exchange Models and their relationship to technical architecture
  • In-depth knowledge of how to create, evaluate, and evolve your Pricing Strategy, Structure, Specifics, and Policies to achieve optimal and sustainable profitability
  • Expertise in how to set up and rev your Profit Engines
  • An understanding of how to communicate new prices, manage existing accounts, and adopt a continuous approach to sustainable pricing
  • Proficiency in license evaluation and compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards
  • Mastery of how to build a comprehensive Solution Roadmap that aligns action to your goals

Upon completion of the course you will be invited to take the Profit StreamTM Designer exam. After passing the exam you will receive the following certification:

You will also receive:

  • A complimentary copy of the Amazon Bestseller Software Profit Streams™ (a $75 value!)
  • Annual membership for Horizon, the official Solution Profitability Management Platform that includes the Horizon AI Assistant and a community of Profit StreamTM professionals and experts (a $250 value!)
  • Access to the Profit Stream Canvas and helpful Profit StreamTM assets in the Miroverse

Next Steps

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